Horge: E. crispata continued


New member
Hi Horge. Thought I would split this discussion out of the algae ID thread.

I had my E. crispata for ~ 3 months. They cleared away tye two spots in my tank that has bryipsis. One was a 3"x2" area.

They then proceeded to get thinner and thinner, so it would be a reasonable assumption that they had stopped eating.

When these guys die of old age, do they keep shrinking until they are tiny and then die?

I am not as familiar with saco-slug mortality as I am with what they eat :)

Maybe you should chuck this over to Ron, or see if you can pester Bill Rudman for an answer (he may have at least second-hand accounts oh how E. crispata buys it in aquaria).

What could make a slug just stop eating its native food?
Could be environmental poisoning, disease or just old age.
Again, dunno how to distinguish betwen those three :)

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