Hose for water changes


I need around 70' of hose for water changes. Are water hoses safe enough for water changes? Not the metal ends, just the hose. All the clear hose I'm seeing is around $2 a foot and a garden hose is around $30. So that's the reason.
The white camper hoses may work, but you'd have to do some reasearch. They're food-safe hoses. Apparently the other hoses can leech chemicals. I'm not sure which chemicals, but it's worth the research to find out.
I would think that the drinking water white RV hoses would be fine.

I suspect a regular garden hose would be as well as long as you don't let water sit in it. I think the leaching chemicals comes more from it sitting in the sun for an extended period of time with water in it.

Not saying it can't happen but water spending a few seconds flowing the length of the hose is gonna pick up chemicals seems unlikely to me.