How and what to feed Zoanthid's and Paly's?

that Fish Guy

Frag Swap Crusader!
I was wondering if there was a way to feed Zoanthid's and Paly's?

So is there a way to feed them to get better growth?

And if so how and what do you recommend feeding them?
Just get a baster and dump small tiny food. Zoas usually don't do anything they just open their tiny mouths when feeding, palys close once they grab something. I have friends that say when they feed polyps they grow more but my tank growth sucks with feeding and without so i can't really say if you get more growth by feeding.
The size of what a paly will eat depends on the paly. I have some that are larger & more cup shaped & they regularly close on full sized mysis & eat it. The flatter ones (white people eaters in this case) I feed small pieces of mysis & they close on it & eat it. We also have a powder form zoa/LPS food they love, but we don't feed it very often.

The zoas will sometimes eat the smaller powder food, otherwise they just get whatever goes their direction in the water column. They grow plenty fast without direct feeding, but I guess they get indirect from the thaw water (from thawing mysis cubes) that I squirt on the leathers. Good light & stable water parameters provide the best growth for zoas, IME. Once they get going, they'll go fast. It just takes months/a year before they get going.
I run an all zoanthid tank and I usually feed my "reef" (if it can be called that) a very common product called Reef Roids..... its a fine mixture of ground plankton, Mysis shrimp, nutrients, etc... it is basically a powder similar to reef snow that you scatter via turkey baster.... in my tank however I usually turn off all the pumps then slowly spray/douse each colony of zoanthids that are in my tank.... there will be tiny particles of red "dust" floating around for a while afterwards but these will settle or be eaten by any other living thing (ie hermits, snails, copepods) or it will simply be sucked up by the filter..... I reef roid my tank 1 time a week and I have seen substantial growth in all of my zoas. :dance: :thumbsup: :dance:
Mine got a mixture of frozen cyclopeeze, mysis, and rods. Just used a turkey blaster to target feed many mini maxi's, lps, And the zoas seemed to pick off what they wanted.
My big palys will grab visible food fragments floating around when I gently drop them nearby. Some of my zoas will grab stuff, but most don't appear to.
i use ocean nutrition nano reef food. mix it with some water and turkey baster it in there. they show good feeding response and grow quicker.
I don't know how much truth there is to it but the reef chili is seemingly helping mine. I squirt everything in my tank from softies to LPS to SPS and it seems like everything is having great growth. some will argue about micron size all day long but if it works it works and for now it seems to work. I have been using reef chili for about a month and my a can has doubled it said count from 4 to 8-10. my birds nest seems like a bush. its polyps are always super extended.
i have never feed mind directly, ive got a few small plugs of diff color ones and ive had one large rock that started off with mayb 5 watermelon zoas about 7 years ago, and they seem to be doing fine. Picture0067.jpg

Picture0068.jpg sry for the bad pics, its a laptop cam, i need to get a decent camera lol.