How big? I am upgrading from a 75 gallon

Neptune 555

New member
Need help selecting size for my new tank..... I currently have a 75 gallon reef & 48 gallon reef. I am upgrading my 75 gallon reef to a FOWLR tank because my blue tang and yellow tang have outgrown their current home. (my husband says I can just give away these amazing fish - crazy!)

So how big should I go? I am thinking 125 gallon or a 180 gallon. I like the 6 foot swimming space but am a bit overwhelmed with 180 gallons? Thoughts on the two options?

The upgrade is really motivated by the fish I want to keep.
Stocking List:
Existing: Blue Tang / Yellow Tang / Voriks Wrasse / Flame Angel / Blue puffer / 3 chromis.
FISH WISH LIST: Humu Humu trigger / Midnight Dog Face Puffer / flame hawkfish / green bird wrasse / orchid dottyback / cardinalfish / threadfin butterfly

Suggestions on tank size to host these fish....

Assuming by blue tang you mean hippo/regal, then 180 is the absolute minimum for this fish. 8’ tank better.
Specs for both of those tanks are usually as follows:

125 gallon - 72L x 18W x 23 T
180 gallon - 72L x 24W x 25 T

The width helps with aquascaping and gives the fish more turnaround room. Short of that, you won't notice the difference in gallons for maintenance purposes. It's 55 extra gallons, but that just comes from it being slightly taller and 6" wider.

In my view, a 180 gallon is the best all around tank recommendation for the advanced enthusiast. The length and width will have a very positive effect on the fish, and it is a very manageable size. Bigger is always better and more stable, but that is a slippery slope. I'd stick with 180 - it's the perfect ratio for a home aquarium.
The 180 will look like a swimming pool when you first set it up but a month later you’ll be thinking about something bigger. It’s a disease that’s never cured.
Good decision on going with the 180. If i recall correctly, it seems to be the best deal for large tanks. I love mine and I dont even have it set up yet
180 isn't bad. I've found out that the bigger the tank, the more stable it seems to be.

I started with a 45G hex, then 72G bow front.
Was going to do a 220G, but found a good deal on a 400G so went with that. :)