How big of water changes do you do? And, how often?


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
IF you can put your system water volume that would be helpful.

I have 1000 gallons of saltwater and change 225 gallons every two months which is about 22% water change...probably more like 25% after accounting for liverock and overflows.
On the 390 (510 gallons total system) I just took down, I was doing 60 gallons per week, mainly because that's the size of my saltwater mixing barrel.
I'm currently doing the 60 gallon water change weekly on my 300 Rubbermaid reef, and I'll continue that amount on the 300 (410 gallon system) that I'm currently setting up.
480g tank (550g Volume) and was doing 100g every 2 weeks, then once a month once the system stabilized, and now that I dose Grotech 3 part trace elements I haven't found a need for water changes in a couple months. The system is very stable though and there is a relatively low bio-load. Oh, and my SPS have never been happier.
i hope you have some way to automate the WC of 2g per day. or some way you can replenish the new SW and dump out from the tank. because lifting water like that everyday will get tiresome. There is a guy here on the boards who automated him tank to do that everyday for him.
Haha, I wish I could automate it. Unfortunately my wife won't let me install anything outside of the stand, so there's no space for a water change unit.

That said, I maintain a SW reservoir in the garage and haven't had any issues making the changes thus far. I haven't timed it yet, but I'm pretty sure the change take about 3 minutes to do.
I have 1000 gallons (net) water in my system. I do a 150 gallon water change every 2 weeks.

But, I just started a continious water change that does 10 gpd, its really cool and I run it 24/7/365.
I plan to do 35g every other week on a 350g total water volume maybe weekly until everything is stabilized.

Been considering the dosing pumps set to do 2-3g a day have to do more research.
~700 gallons, 90 gallons every two weeks or so, it would probably change if I had larger mixing container and more automation, as I'm currently carrying 90 gallons out by hand. On top of that probably 10 or so gallons a week are taken out for culture of nudibranchs and clownfish.

When we first moved the system and added 200 gallons to it (about 400-500 gallons of new water) I didn't do a water change for three months.