Need help/suggestions removing stains on inside of glass. Bought the tank (375 gallon) used. I've tried vinegar and Bar keepers Friend, citric acid and razor blade.
I would fill it up with water for a week to have that stuff soak off. then drain tank and try to clean it. I'm asuming you got this tank from Florida also. who ever sold the tank to you probably used outside unfiltered water to clean the tank, and the stains are result of that.
Sometimes a paper towel soaked with vinegar left on the surface for a while to make like a soak will work.
I used CLR and took it right off! But you have to rinse it good afterward!!!
try simple green. Works for removing alot of various things like oils.. calcium build up and other stuff.
Also you can take # 000 steel wool to the glass and polish it..
Glass is stronger then that grade steel so it wont scratch
Don't use simple green if there are other, functioning tanks nearby. There are more types of simple green than you might think. A plumber used simple green to clean up after he did some toilet work in a room close to my tank. The tank had been running flawlessly for two years. One hour after the cleanup, everthing in the tank was dead. Fumes!
OMG how awful. Thanks for the warning. My tank is currently outside. Haven't tried simple green yet. Wonder if I should?