How did you fill your big tank?


New member
Hey all. I am about to start filling my new 400 gallon system. I am curious how you all did yours for the first time. I was thinking of just buying a bunch of line for my water filter and just run it to the tank. Its about 30 feet though so I am unsure if the filter has enough pressure to make it that far. I'd have to also watch it so after 2 days or so it doesn't start to over flow while I am sleeping or something.

Any ideas would be great
Buy a bunch of 1/4 OD line for your RO unit. Run it into your tank and zip tie a piece of PVC fitting or something to weight it down to the bottom of the tank. Start filling. Unless you have a high GPD unit its going to take a couple days. I reused a lot of the water from my 120, so I dunked a Mag12 in there and moved the water from around the corner to the 210.
+1 on the Serpentman. You put so much work into running a nutrient poor tank. What better way to get there than starting that way. The wait is worth it.
I ran a RO line to my mixing tank from the sink in my basement where my RO is hooked up at. I think a 25 ft roll was like $5 or $10 at Home Depot
I filled mine on stages, split the level into 4 quarters and each day I filled a 1/4... Just to be sure no leaks occur and then a flud happens.... Be patient...
When I filled my 260 had a local company that delivered ro/di water. If you have the access to a good quality company I would recommend this route. Saves alot of time if you have a larger system. My 420 I had the ro run for a number of days to fill it. Didn't have access to a local company the second time around. Either way it can be done...guess it just depends on your own personal patience level!
I filled mine the first time from the water hose. 2 of my LFS told me that the first time wouldnt be a problem as it would intruduce more benifical bacteria but after to only use RODI. Never had a problem. May have been luck or could of been the truth. Either way it worked for me
I filled mine the first time from the water hose. 2 of my LFS told me that the first time wouldnt be a problem as it would intruduce more benifical bacteria but after to only use RODI. Never had a problem. May have been luck or could of been the truth. Either way it worked for me

sorry double post
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I was completely new to the whole thing and just threw in the garden hose and opened her up (Chlorinated, fluoride city water). Then tossed in enough salt to make the needed salinity level. Cycled the tank and started adding stuff. Will never do that again, and no one else should either. Your RO unit should have enough push to make it to the tank. Mine pushes top off water up one story and across about 20 ft. I think I have 60-70 psi entering the filter set up.
Awesome advice!! I will check the local marine only store and see if they deliver saltwater in the amount needed. Or I will let the RODI do its job for a few days. Thanks all!!
WOW...i guess i will be the unlucky one...
i upgraded from a 55 to a 240.
i didnt own a RO, so i filled mine up 5gal at a time.... (i had 4 5gal jugs, and borrowed 3more from a friend and made WAAAAAAYYYYYY too many drives to my LFS to get water......)
after a year of 5gal a day summer top offs (still with 4 buckest.. which ment 2 trips a week) i envested in a 6stage BRS RODI.....
