how do i build shark lagoon


New member
i am looking for ideas on how to build a shark lagoon whats the best pumps,,how many pumps,,,filtration,,,etc....its going to be in my basement....its a project that is going to be in the works in the near i need lot of ideas and or pictures...thanks...
Way to vague to give anything useful as an answer!

How big is going to be? What dimensions?

What kind of sharks? Do you have room to run the filteration remotely like a large sand filter?

Give us as much as you know! If you don't know any of this it's way to early to be asking about pumps, filtration, etc.
i want it to be at least 2000 general dimensions,,,,horn sharks,,epalette sharks,,,thats the thing i dont know what kind of filtration to run on something that big...or what kind of pumps for the filter or circulation....any info is good,,,i just want a general idea
Aquatic Eco Systems has all kinds of heavy duty pond liners for aquaculture application. I have often thought that it would be very easy to create a pond / lagoon with cement block and use decorative block for the exterior. This would give you view from above only but if it wasn't too deep, it could be very cool and not horribly expensive. That fish Place in Pennsylvania has a lagoon for Flying Gunards and spotted rays like this and it is very cool. The filtration could simply be next to it. Run a huge fluidized bed reactor / a carbon reactor / and a protein skimmer and you should be fine.
Ckuhndog- I love that lagoon tank. I dont think that it is a shark tank though. You could definatly use the same principle for a shark lagoon though. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7005333#post7005333 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ckuhndog77
Try this thread:

or search this large tank forum for lagoon or shark ...

Definatly go this route. The only things I think I would change about this project--because it is so awsome are:

1) raise the tank up about 2ft
2) have a Glass/acrilic pane for one of the sides.
--just beacause I would want to see my sharks swim by ;)

i have a 750gl shark pond...framed with studs...bottom on slab...i have a 1hp dolphin pump as a closed loop running a DIY skimmer...used heavy 45ml liner folded corners...shaped a little like a homebase...lit by (3) 400mh and 300lbs of rock...been running for 2yrs now with no problems...still havent gotten and new sharks for it, just eels and grouper with some soft corals right now...temp gets a little high in summer 84...hope your basement is larger than 1000sf or humidity in the winter could be a major issue..Good luck
pufferqueen has a shark pond as well about 1000 gallons i think...
I think she (im guessing a "she" because of the name.. lol) based it after anthony calfos instructions on hwo to build one for 200$ - roughly.. Let me look for the link
i got a new camera...cant seem to get the pics small enough for RC format...try asap to get u something...