How do I frag A purple Kenya?


Active member
I've got a purple Kenya tree that has never been happy! This is more moody than most women. I've moved it all over the tank. No luck. Which got me thinking, maybe this might be a good specimen to try my fragging skills. That way I can move the frags to several different locations in the tank at once and see if any response differently. Anything would look better than what its doing now. So what do I do? Never fragged a coral before? I know when I cut it, the coral will produce a slime. Hate using glue but do prefer it when it works. What about a rubber band? Suggestions?

This Kenya has a brown film on the stalk. It comes and goes. I've even scrubbed it off before. So I'm guessing its algae of some kind. Any suggestions?

PS this is the only coral in my tank that has an attitude. All is well otherwise.
Be careful what you wish for... a happy Kenya tree can make most reef keepers very unhappy!
LOL. Of all my corals, this guy is like a blob. Everything is flourishing except this guy. Coincidentally, he's also the only coral I've received mail order.
I wouldn't recommend fragging an unhappy softie, unless I was dealing with say an infected colony where I could cut away the affected area, sounds like the whole coral is unhappy.
I would instead try to get the coral thriving before propagation. stressing it through fragging is only likely to cost you the whole coral.
as for actually fragging a kenya it is simple if you chose to, simply cut off the piece you want drop it into a smalltupperware container with some rubble and let it attach cover it with bridal veil or similar mesh to keep it in the container, after a couple weeks remove it from the container and glue the rubble pieces it has attached to to a plug or rock with super glue.
This has been a really moody coral. Its never been completely open and 'healthy'. Half will open, half not. one day nothing. Some days just a piece here and there. There is one thing I've always noticed. Its what looks like alagae growing up the side of the stalk. I've scrubbed it off and after the coral gets over being ticked off from me scubbing it, that's when it seems to expand its best. This algae is localized to this coral, though. Tank is not covered.