how do i program each socket?


New member
i go into each socket but how do i put timers on them? for instance if i want socket one to turn on and off at a certain time how do i go about doing that? then when i get to a socket where chiller will be on how will i do that also?
As long as you have assigned the powerbar as per the manual, have a play familiarize yourself with the software etc, many things will then click really easily. We can then fill in the gaps for you if required.

Half the fun is playing and learning :)

Once you have assigned the PAB, have a look at socket outlet function under system in the desktop software and you will see the many things available to you to assign to the powerbars, its only a click away.

Let us know when you have assigned the PAB device and had a go with the socket functions.
i did have a go mike with the socket functions, i cant seem to create a timer perhaps, like i want my mh lights to come on at a certain time how do i do that, love the product but very hard to figure out and the directions are not great.
lol ok mike i figured it out somewhat the only thing im having a problem with is the chiller , heater i understand i want to use my temp probe to make these adjustments. But lets say i want my tank water at 78 all the time how do i control my chiller to turn on at soon as it its like 78.5 and turns off at 78 again? and same for the heater get them to turn on at 77.5 turn off at 78 so i have a constant water temp? this all hysteresis is insane to understand , and the cooling difference sorry to be a pain just can not figure out what these things mean.
Leave the cooling difference

set the nominal vlaue to 78 and the hysteresis to .2

This means the temp will go up of down by .2 of a degree before switching the heater of chiller on.

If you did not have a chiller I would have set this to .1 degree but you do not wish to cause undue stress on the chiller compressor with it reatidly switching on, so you must give it a breathing space.

So the following will now occur

Chiller on @ 78.2F
Heater on @ 77.8F

If you find the chiller is switching too often then increase the hysteresis
ok started to get it, but when i click on hysteresis to change it from 0.27 to .2 it automatically goes back to 0.27 same with the nominal temp i set it to 78 and it goes to 78.08 this is what makes it confusing thanks for your help mike.
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