How do I set my PB fans?


GHL Mitras LX7 Club
Hi all,

Now that the PB and PB controller is mounted and ready to go, it's time for me to setup how I want the Propeller Breeze to work. I would like it to turn on when my temperature surpasses 84 degrees, what do I set in the Profilux Control software to do this?


Under what category for that screen should I set it at? My nominal value is set at 79. If I set the cooling difference to 5 degrees, would that work?

Under the 1-10v settings I set the fans to L3 on Temperature 1 Controller Output, should I do the same for L4 since it is also connected on that slot?

BTW, my fans won't start up when they are connected to the fan controller.
you need only one channel to configure (in this case L3)

Maybe it's just not hot enough - that's why your PropellerBreeze doesn't run...
->for test purposes: decrease coll. diff. and/or desired temp.
My fans are still not running even after having set the cooling difference to 0 from 1.4 F. My nominal temp is set at 78.6 F and I even dropped it down to 75F just to activate the temp alarm in hopes that the controller will kick on the PB fans.

I think I have everything setup properly, the only thing I am unsure of is what I should be setting the 1-10v setting for the fans? 3-8v maybe?
ALT + PRINT SCREEN copies to your clipboard
Then save in your favorite flavor image editing program
Here's what I have set on the P.Control:


MSHUR, is that a negative 0.34 F for the hysteresis? Just double checking because it didn't go that low so I will have to type in that number.

Also at that setting above what makes things different so that the fans would work?
I just tried those numbers and the fans still don't kick on. I am connecting to the controller via WLAN, maybe there is a delay in sending that info to the fan controller. At those number should the fans have turned on?
Did you set up socket function?. Mine set up as :
0--S7-----Temp 1--chiller---------fans
when fans are ON, O-- is red
I just tried connecting the fans to the powerbar, properly set the socket function to the fans and nothing happened. I'm starting to think that my fan controller is defective. :(