How do you contain you eels?


New member
I picked up a snowflake eel yesterday, and sadly he managed to escape through a 2 inch gap at the back of my tank. I have a glass canopy and I have an over sized filter for my tank. My levels aren't the problem I believe it was just the stress of moving (They had just gotten him in the shop that day and I brought him home an hour later, he was still floating there in the bag) that drove it to look for escape. Sealing the tank all the way is going to be difficult, so I was thinking if I built some 'walls ' out of plexiglass to make the uncovered edges of the tank 3" higher or so. Would that help or would I be better off just trying to make small caps to completely seal the aquarium.

What do you guys use for eel proof aquarium covers?
It's what they do so don't feel bad. I use a clear mesh screen frame. I have mine just velcro'd down for now as my chainlink is still on the small side, but am planning a much more robust setup. If you have any cords going over the rim into the tank you have to get a bit crafty because if you leave any spot they can fit through it's just a matter of time before he'll find it.
Yeah, I wasn't really upset about it. I knew it wasn't anything I did, my exact works when I found him on the floor were 'you little f****r, you couldn't give me one night huh?' lol. It's the back of the tank so I'm not super worried about it looking great. One of my friends gave me the idea of putting screen mesh over two plexiglass pieces to make a corner and a flexible top. As far as cables I'm going to have to find a way to get them to exit near my filter.
Weighted eggcrate kept my moringas in

"Eelcatraz" for the ribbon eel. Scuba tank mesh and egg crate

Eggcrate, sewing mesh, and scuba tank mesh for the Dragon Moray

hook locks for the front
I use eggcrate as well for larger eels. A smallish snowflake might be able to get through though.

For moringas I'd suggest something like the raptor feeding pen in Jurassic Park. Those little buggers are mean.
For moringas I'd suggest something like the raptor feeding pen in Jurassic Park. Those little buggers are mean.

Haha, that's good. I have two openings that are seperated by the brace. Luckily my overflow drains directly to the back (bad explanation) and has no way for my eel to get out so I just have two pieces of acrylic that cover each opening. The acrylic has small holes drilled in it to allow air to pass through. Those are weighted down.
Moringas are just plain nasty. One of the only fish I will say is legitimately aggressive just to be a dick. I had one pick on a significantly larger M. melanotis until one day the melanotis killed it. The melanotis was great with everything except damsels and that moringa. I'll never get another one.
Snowflakes are extremely escape-prone. The've got really tiny skulls and can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces. You can't count on eggcrate to contain one - especially a juvenile. Window screen sounds good, but be sure it's weighted down well. An eel's body is like one giant muscle.

Too late now, but if you find one outside the tank, you should try to put it back in the water. They often revive even when they look dried out. It's a coping skill that helps them survive in the wild.
Weighted eggcrate kept my moringas in


"Eelcatraz" for the ribbon eel. Scuba tank mesh and egg crate


Eggcrate, sewing mesh, and scuba tank mesh for the Dragon Moray


hook locks for the front


Is that just egg crate you can get at HD? The one I have seems flimsy curious how much weight it can hold. Did you reinforce it any way?

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Egg crate was from one of the big box stores sold in 8' pieces. I cut off the slim outer strip and rested it on the tanks plastic lip. No idea on the weight it can support but it gets more rigid as you cut it down to fit tank and I made sure the granite strips were resting on the plastic lip.
I picked up a snowflake eel yesterday, and sadly he managed to escape through a 2 inch gap at the back of my tank. I have a glass canopy and I have an over sized filter for my tank. My levels aren't the problem I believe it was just the stress of moving (They had just gotten him in the shop that day and I brought him home an hour later, he was still floating there in the bag) that drove it to look for escape. Sealing the tank all the way is going to be difficult, so I was thinking if I built some 'walls ' out of plexiglass to make the uncovered edges of the tank 3" higher or so. Would that help or would I be better off just trying to make small caps to completely seal the aquarium.

What do you guys use for eel proof aquarium covers?

Believe it or not i use saran wrap and roll it up in a ball to squeeze in areas where the eels might be able to fit through. It has worked for years. i have a glass canopy on tank but i have a hang on overflow for my Refuge. which i use the wrap for.