How do you feed the tank with lots of flow


Active member
I have a BB with 80x turnover, in my old tank I could flick a switch and turn off 90% of the pumps for 30 min, while the corals grabbed the food. Now in my new tank it will be really complicated to do this since my pumps are going to 3 different circuits in the house. So, does anyone feed the tank with full current? , can the corals catch food with lots of current?
I feed with all current going. How do you think things eat in the ocean? There is not a feed mode, and you can't shut off the current. If anything I would think the pumps would keep food in suspension making it easier for the food to be distributed throughout the tank.
Agreed with the Rendos. I dump the food into my wave box and let it circulate the food along with two streams.
The problem is I have to kill main pump. I have filter sock and foam block in sump. To remove them just for feeding is PITA.
No. It is a Deltec--and compared to other skimmers, it is relatively unresponsive to sudden changes, IME. It continues to remove organics and particulates, so I just allow it to do so.
i just feed the tank with lots of food with all pumps on, skimmer sometimes goes flat for a few minutes. i usally feed 3-5 times a day, mostly at night after i come home from work.

i hit the feed button on one of my tunzes and press down on my aquacontroller to kill my CL pump. only thing that runs during feeding is the return pump and one tunze.

I make my fish work for their food :D

I sometimes kill the return pump but the Seio 1500, Seio 820 and Seio 620 stay on.

Keep in mind that these are in a 50 gallon tank.

I feed with all my pumps full boar..... actually not as much food goes into the overflow as you would think.... the super strong current keeps it out of there mostly........
Just wondering because in my old tank with the pumps off, I could see lots off food being caught by the undesturbed feeding tentacles and polyps. But now with all my flow the tentacles and polyps are blown around so much i was worried they would never be able to catch the food.