How do you guys prevent dead spots?


New member
I'm gonna be setting up my 180 gallon hopefully soon, I was wondering how you all prevent dead spots? I had a vortech and a closed loop on my small 40 breeder and still ended up with dead spots. I'd like to prevent this in the new tank. LMK! :wave:
I used a pair of Vortech MP40W's in my 180, slightly offset on opposing side walls of the tank. Experimenting with different modes (trial and error), I was able to eliminate all noticeable dead spots...

I have 3 vortechs on the back wall of my 4x3 -180g and it was great... then corals started growing in to the point where.... dead spots were made :D I'm thinking of tossing a couple modded maxijets near the bottom but damnit if the cord length isn't going to be a pain to get around, or I can mount them near the top simply pointing them down towards the bottom. (translation... I don't feel like spending $400+ per vortech to remove some dead spots :D)

However you could simply deal with the dead spots, knowing that most all the detritus will end up in those locations so when you do your water changes you can easily siphon all of it out.
I am actually planning on a dead spot/very low flow area (will happen eventually anyway as corals grow...also a downside with drilled CL's)..hoping this will add some space for detritus for the pods. I will play around to see how this goes.

IME the best way to get max water movement throughtout the tank is by using a wavemaker. for a 180G you may want to get the riser or run two.
where are the dead spots?
there is a local reefer that took a piece of PVC and ran it on top of the sand behind the rocks. then put a 90 on it and pointed it up. then capped both ends of the PVC. he drilled holes facing up on the bottom piece. then on the vertical PVC, he attached a MJ1200. this pushes fresh water from the top of the tank down the tube and adds some water movement to the bottom of the tank and prevents dead spots. (its all hidden behind the rock and the pvc is purple now so you cant see it at all.

just a cheap and simple option.
I have a closed loop with 12 ports, 9 on the back and 3 on the bottom. The back use orbital bulkheads and the bottom terminate in Ts. Two Dart pumps power the CLM and a Snapper is on the return from the sump. The return has two orbitals, near the top of the overflows. I also have a full size wavebox and I still have dead spots.

One one of the orbitals I changed out and put twin locline so that I could direct flow where I needed it. Some of the outlets have to be throttled back as they put out too much flow and my sand blows all over the place.

My dead spots are right in front of my SPS and near one of my bottom outlets. I just added a Koralia 3 pumping off the back wall toward the corner. I hope this wraps around the front and adds more flow at the sand bed without moving the substrate around.
Wow! I didn't know anyone had responded to my post. I just got 1 more sea swirl. I will have 3, and I will be drilling 3 more holes towards the sand bed. Hope that will work. If not, I planned to save up for a vortech. Or something similar. I am going to be using a super dart.

Davez wow!!! A very good idea. That flow looks great! I cannot drill the bottom of this tank though. =(

Murfman do u have pictures???

Thank you all for responding. :bounce3::dance: