How do you mount a Wavebox on an acrylic tank with a frame around the top?


New member
Kicking around getting a wavebox. I've got a 180 acylic (6x2x2). It's got a four inch frame around it with a a large brace in the middle. It's my understanding that the wavebox has to be an inch out of the water. How are you guys with acrylics (I'm sure they all have similar frames around the top) doing it? I really don't want to cut and notch out a spot for it. I'm not that brave :)
im using the magnet mounts also and they work great! I just barely have an inch between the water line and the perimeter bracing.
Will it work if it's slightly submerged? My water line is only about a half inch from the top. I'm not really cocerned about the wave on the top. Can you still get that rocking motion?
Submerging it really reduces the efffect and makes it noisy. Try to drop the water level a bit
I was wondering when you were going to finally chime in Roger :)

I already using a really slow return pump. I have a big overflow box, and I already knocked a bunch of the teeth out and covered the wholes with plastic gutter roll. Guess I'll need to take the remaining ones out and see how low I can get it.

What is the minimum space I need between the water line and the perimeter frame to make this work? I don't know that I'll be able to pull off an inch.
3/4" should be just enough but try for more.

Sorry, I was out hunting and fishing this weekend and just got back last night.