Thank you. Sounds like I should be fine with QT observation for a while.
How about any dips on the safe side? Would it harm it? Fresh water, Coral Rx, etc
Easiest way to get clean Chaetomorpha is to isolate one relatively straight strand, wipe it down with or pull it through a moist paper towel, and then place it into a clean system with a grow light and enough nutrients. One strand is usually all you need to get going but you can clean a few more like this to accelerate things. It's not the fastest way to get clean chaeto but the easiest and the one most likely to succeed.
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Does Chaeto have to "œtumble"? I have just the natural flow through my fuge and it doesn't spin it like I've seen on videos. Then I get nuisance algae on it and doesn't seem to grow?
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