How does this look?
Zebra Eel
Dogface Puffer
Lunare Wrasse
Bursa Trigger
Right now the eel is about 24 inches and the rest are about 4" inches or so. They are in a 90gallon FOWLR with about 50lbs of rock. i plan on upgrading to a 240 gallon.
Right now they are doing great, is there anything i should worry about later on down the road as they start to get bigger?
Zebra Eel
Dogface Puffer
Lunare Wrasse
Bursa Trigger
Right now the eel is about 24 inches and the rest are about 4" inches or so. They are in a 90gallon FOWLR with about 50lbs of rock. i plan on upgrading to a 240 gallon.
Right now they are doing great, is there anything i should worry about later on down the road as they start to get bigger?