How good is $350 for a homewrecker at a frag swap

So I'm going to a frag swap next month and Im looking to get a homewrecker now I know prices have dropped a little and I've heard $350-400 for a 1/2 inch is a decent price but what am I looking to pay at a swap. Theres a guy on reef trader selling them at the swap for a 1/2 for $350 looked more like a nub then a 1/2 but realistically am I gonna find some decent looking ones for a better price or should I jump on this guys.
Is it worth it to you to be able to say you have a frag of it. Prices these days IMO are nothing but bragging rights, haha.

To me, no. I’d rather buy 5+ frags(or whatever).
Eh I wouldn't spend that much ever on a frag. The price for it will come down just like they have on other corals
Jump on it if you want it and you can afford it, so it doesn't live up to it's name. Personally, I would not pay that much for any coral, but that's me. I had to look up this one as I had never even heard of it. The price will probably come down in time.
When i spend 30 on a frag i think thats an expensive one... The 5-15 range is what i usually look at.

At 350 it better do its own damn water changes and give off enough light to keep the other corals happy.
When i spend 30 on a frag i think thats an expensive one... The 5-15 range is what i usually look at.

At 350 it better do its own damn water changes and give off enough light to keep the other corals happy.
Or be delicious!
If you want it get it. It is worth what you want to pay for it. People trying to make money in this "hobby" soon forget what it is about and that it is supposed to be a fun "hobby" not a business. Coral prices are nuts. Look at the Red Dragon acro. A few years ago it was crazy expensive, now it is pretty cheap. Never know what is going to hold its value, especially now with alot of importing getting shut down.
I see livestock prices in two lights.

1. How much do I like this? If it's nice enough to make me want to part with $X, then I'll spend it.

but, there's phase two of that question...

2. How upset will I be if it dies? If I won't miss $X, or don't mind risking $X and watching it turn into a white stick that gets tossed into the sump, I"ll buy it.

"Is it worth it" is a bad question. None of it is worth it unless your in the frag flipping business. I haven't really seen many hype corals that don't become reasonable after a year or three. Even at $20, not much is really "worth it" in this hobby. It could die or it could make you a ton in frag sale returns.

That's the long way of saying, "I'm not familiar with that coral, but wouldn't buy it myself, nor would I think you're dumb if you spend whatever the common market price is for it."
By the time you grow it out enough to sell frags, everybody else will have done the same thing and the price will be down to $25 like all the rest of the "LE" corals.
I have been selling HW frags locally for $350 for 1/2-3/4" and i currently have a waiting list. Honestly its what your market dictates.