How I change my filter sock (with video)


Reef Guru
I made changing of filter socks a bit easier for myself awhile back, and thought I would share what I added. Towards the end of my drain line, I added a union above the filter sock so that I can easily remove the last bit of PVC pipe to pull out and remove the sock. Then after I put a new sock in place, I can quickly attach the union, open the ball valve to let water drain again, and I'm done.

On a side note, I have about 10 filter socks. I will use them all and after each one is dirty, I'll place them in a 5g bucket. When the bucket is full of socks, I'll add 2-3 cups of bleach and fill with water. I soak overnight, then put them all in the washing machine with NO detergent or anything. I'll run 2 rinse cycles, then pull them out to air dry. Then they're white and clean and ready to go again.

Here's a video of how the union works: