How lond does it take for zooanthids to propagate?


New member
Saying if all water and light parameters are prefect how long does it usually take for new polyps to start to grow ? And how many polyps on average would propagate in a year? Ive never had zooanthids and am setting up a 120 and trying to figure out how much to buy, thanks.
Every Zoa/Paly is different.

Example my Sunset Horizon Zoas produce about 5-15 Polyps per month.

My Purple Death produce 3 - 5 babies per month
My nuke greens produce 1 baby per month.

All of these guys are in the same tank with the same light and fed the same foods and yet each produces a different qty.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question, that's the answer I was looking for, I'm looking to put a lot of zoo's in my tank and didn't know if I should buy the "large" and "expensive" pieces, if I can get good growth I will just buy a few polyps of each and let it grow in on its own, another thing, to frag these I'm going to want to place these on smaller removable rocks correct?
Are there certain zoo's that propagate quicker than otheres? Say a said specie will that specie always propagate the same given the same amount of light nutrients etc? Like is there a certain specie that produces like wildfire and then some that hardly at all? Or is it just hit or miss?
I get a lot of quick growth when I frag my zoas as well, but the ones I have are in a critical mass sized (500+polyps) colony, so it grows quickly. They are eagle eyes by the way.
It really depends on the tank I think. Unlike NewWorldWater posted above my Eagle Eyes grow pretty slow while my Solaras grow like weeds...I almost can't keep up with fragging them. So at least for me it seems each tank is alittle different and each of us will see different results even within the same zoa type.

Im feeding rods food for sps. Again, every specie is different, colony size different, and there are way too many parameters in one's tank to compare to someone else. My bambams grow like weeds and my gpe's grow it seems half as fast.