how long does it take


New member
For a Ric. florida to split? I have one with almost four seperate mouths now and it isn't showing signs of splitting into new rics yet. It looks great, it's a yellow with green mouth and purple rim if that matters. I target feed it sometimes but it doesn't really seem to take food say like palys or some of my other corals do. My parameters are good
ammonia/trite/trate:0 ppm
Ca: 450 last check
Alk: 9.5
Mg: 1500
Temp: 79-80 F
Lights: 4 T5 HO with a good fixture (AquaticLife) Blues on 10 hours, white and purple come on for 8 hours in the 10 hour cycle.
Ricordea is placed at the bottom of the tank on a rock in a low flow area.
Y'know.... sometimes they never seem to split completely, no matter how many mouths pop up on them. If you really want them to be separate rics, then bring out the razor blade and frag em between the mouths.
cut em between the mouths with a razor sure it is a new blade and very sharp..very easy to do.. then just let em heal and instant new polyp..
