When cutting them myself, able to glue them out of the tank to rubble/plugs/etc ... I glue them that day.
Depends how you plan to glue them as well. Some folks recommend gluing on healthy flesh vs. cut area - to give good flow around the cut area so it can heal fast.
Depending on the frag - you may be able to glue like that, leave the cut area to heal.
I'd also probably give them a few days if shipped, unmounted, to me. If I'm at a local's house, he cuts me frags ... I glue them when I get home - no wait.
IME, I have lost far more Acropora varieties by misplaced frags, knocked poorly/unmounted frags, and other hazards of poorly or unattached new Acropora than through anything else over the last 3 years. While there are times I wouldn't mount immediately - I generally mount immediately now.
Unmounted frags, especially if quite a number, would seem to invite losing a couple IMO. In that case - I might consider mounting a few in the first day, just to minimize that potential.