How long will it take?


In Memoriam
At the first of the year, the warden said " How long will it take for me to flood the basement again?

Well 3 months and im on track to break the record....3 in one year....

I guess no more:love1:

Oh well:sad1:
I just overflowed my 55g drum of R/O/DI and my wife is:mad2: :mad2: at me for it. It rolled out of the room to the hall carpet.:eek1:
Since the warden is gettin new carpet I want a Kalk reactor and 250w MH set up

So what kalk reactor is best chadfarmer, I mean Mr. Equipment King
do you really need to ask

deltec 410.00 plus shipping (i loaned mine out to a friend so he could try kalk in his tank 24hr a day)

anything that runs a pump like the geo is just as good but not fast to clean
Must be something in the air. I turned on the RO to top off the tank and came upstairs to do some work. A couple of hours later, I remembered...

The tank was topped off, the furnace room was topped off, the glue I put down for the new floor was topped off...
I hear ya MayoBoy, I topped off my kitchen twice two weeks ago... My roomate calls and sounds all freaked out saying she thinks she broke something... nope, I just forgot to turn off the filter... next day the girlfriend calls with basically the same concern...

I can't wait to get my plumbing done!