how long will stream last on battery


Premium Member

I am reluctantly asking as I had a power failure the last day of vacation and lost fish and a few corals. I am considering upgrading old Tunze pumps, or at least some to either so I can easily utilize battery backup from standard 12volt car battery with solenoid switch add on Tunze sells.

How many hours on a fully charge car battery can each of these pumps be expected to last. I know it is a difficult question to some extent but need to justify the expense.

Turbelle® stream 6125 - 24 watt


Turbelle® stream 6105 - 45 watts

6125 is a 120V pump and won't run off a battery so that one is out.

The 6105 actually draws only 38W now and uses 18V. At 12V the flow is less, about 2100 gph and it uses only 20W. Figure on 1.7A to run for 1 hr. So a 17 Amp hour battery will run the pump at 12V for about 10 hrs.
thanks for the fast info. I would ideally go with two 6105's for 140 tall with montipora corals. I would assume (1) 6105 - 2100 gph @ 12V would be enough to oxygenate a 140 tall tank in an emergency. I could try to extend it with solar panel or batteries in Parallel.

I currently have tons of flow. I have two streams 45 watts each and two 22 watt powerheads alternating on old 2 channel controller. (I got it when they just came out too) Very discouraging having losses to power failure after 8 years but I guess that is a good run.

Does new USB pump controller still have a light sensor?
Yes, the 7096 still has the photocell. Honestly, I thin one 6105 at 12V is plenty to keep things alive for a day or two assuming your other parameters like temperature stay within reason during the power outage. You can use a solar charger with the battery to extend the life.
Just to be clear, Safety Connector (6105.500) will work with 6105 Stream 2?

I'll just upgrade one pump and keep one old one for parts, when I get remotivated to start over.

I purchased the 6105, 6105.50, and 100 aH deep cycle battery. I haven't received them yet and had a question concerning 6105.50.

Does the emergency switch have a cut-off at 10V or does it fully discharge battery?

It will fully discharge the battery, the safety is mainly to protect the pump from to much voltage and usually even a dead battery puts out 12V+, just with no amps behind it.
Just curoius! Last question.

Would dropping down to 9volts of discharge extend run time with a circuit(transistor and zenner diode) , or does amp hours usage rate remain same? It's been a long time since I looked at this stuff.
It would to some extent, but you will lose flow and have losses to the diodes and resistors and with 100aH of power the pump will run for at least 3.5 days. After 2-3 days you will start losing stuff to temperature issues and other problems so it is not really necessary or practical to squeeze every bit out of the battery.

I was not aware Tunze went to using Chinese imports. 6105 out of box and DC converter gives out 5.6 volts instead of 18V. 12Volt setting working correctly and will drive pump. Another 18 setting switch may fix problem.

The 6105.50 device has the wrong size output plug to pump. It does in fact relay when connected to battery and not power supply, but does not drive pump as over "working " 12V setting does. It is probably a loose connection. Plug is different make than power supply and slightly smaller and loose. This just too simple a device to have problems with Battery is 12V new and fully charged.

Attachment of motor assembly to magnet is just plain flimsy.

Both will be returned to Marine Depot for full refund. Please pass this information back to Tunze.
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The only part made in China is the power supply and you won't find one made anywhere else, we have looked. We do occasionally get one that has an undersized tip or bad jumper. These are very simple problems and if you were willing to give us a chance I would be happy to resolve them. I have only had two issues with 6105 magnet mounts, it may not appear overly beefy, but besides a clamp that had a defect and was to wide which is now checked at the factory on a template and one which had a deformed tab, I have never heard of one breaking or coming loose, we use a very high quality polyamide plastic from BASF that is very resilient and sturdy.
OK- This kids is acting how I feel.

Can you send me 18V switch setting so I can get going? I'll send address where to send 18V switches in PM.

I'll return safety switch and use my own DC relay with 4 amp fuse. The 6105.50 fits funny and loose. Voltmeter reading indicates it does relay to battery but connections won't drive pump. Battery itself is fully charged and reads 13 volts. Fuse had continuity.
