How many cleaners do I need?

Hello everyone,
The 90 gallon is ready for a cleanup crew. What type of cleaners and how many do you recommend?

Humm lets see. Here is what I have in my 90 gal for my clean up crew:

12 Nassuris
10 turbos
4 mexican snails
12 red leg hermits
6 blue legs
2 big white claw hermits (OK I dont know what they are but I love them. There from the keys)
2 emerald crabs
1 tiger tail cuke
4 cleaner clams

I think thats it.
90 snails
90 hermits

I think thats the normal amount. I think everyone will have different opinions. You can mix up the different snails so you have a diff. variety. I hope that helps,

No hermits and crabs IMO, but lots of different snails. 5-10 turbos would be a good STARTER. Don't add a lot at once b/c the bio-load is probably still new and not to mention everything will stave due to inadiquate food supply.
0 crabs/hermits
30-40 astrea snails

No idea on sand cleaning critters, my tank's bb. I probably have 80-90 astreas in my tank, and no issues with algae.
I dont like hermits because they knock things over. But then ones I do have are tiny and they are great. I have like 25 of them.
whoa! 90 snails and 90 hermits are way too much.

id do around 20-25 astreas
1 cucumber
25 nessarius vibex
20 nerites

you can add more, but after a while they will slowly starve to death if everything is in check in your tank.