How many fish in a 210g

I'm actually surprised that you've made it a year. Although you did say you haven't lost anything in a while. How long is that? What was the last fish you lost and what was the reason? You also said the tank has been set up for a year, not that you've had the assemblage listed for a year.

The clown trigger and undulate triggers will both end up killing other fish. The clownfish will be eaten whole eventually. The lions will be killed by the triggers and/or puffers. I have seen these very things happen in my own tank under much less crowded conditions.

The "opinions" provided in this thread are based on careful consideration, lots of experience with the species in question, and the desire to help others on the forum. While your tank looks pretty cool right now, it simply will not last. You would be wise to heed these warnings and make a change before it is too late.