how many hours a day do i keep my 400w. 14k. DE. HQI- reefstar pendants on....

Chaotic Reefer4u

♥Acropora Aficionado♥
im wanting some advice on how many hours do i leave my lights on my 100 gallon reef, its 60x18x24, any suggestions highly appreciated in kind...
Really all personal preference imo. Alot advocate both ways. It also depends on the heigth above you tank the bulbs hang. I would say anywhere from 4 to 8 hrs. I personally run my 250's 7 hrs and they are 6" from the water surface.
right on Bigred, your an inspiration, wished we lived closer to eachother so my sps reef can look somewhat like sure know how to mcgyver these beautiful reefs and dial them in...peace, and thanks for posting some of your knowledge for me.