How many hours of light? Halide and T5 Combo


New member

I'm just returning to the reefing world after many years away. My original tank had decent growth with only using 4 T5 bulb in a 70 gallons.

I recently purchased a used tank that came with the Hamilton Cedu 2 250 Halide and 4 T5 combo.

My intend is to grow SPS coral in the 90 gallons (3x2x2) tank.

It seem excessive to have all the lights on for 8 hours. What would be your recommendation? or minimum?

Maybe... 2 hours T5 -> 4 hours ALL lights -> 2 hours T5

....or even less?

Thanks in advance.
I'd recommend no less than 6 hours of peak light and typically running the lights for 8-10 total hours..
Thats fairly close to what they receive in nature.