how many neon gobies can I keep?


Can I keep 2 neon gobys in my 180g tank? Or will they fight? And are they a long lived fished if kept healty and happy? Any other info on them would be great. Thanks
Other fish in my tank are a yellow tang, mimic, copperband, perc, green chromis. Also can they be kept with rainford gobies?
I have four and two are a mated pair. they clean all my fish, my including blue throats,. I hope they donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t eat them.
I saw a video post once of a guy with neons and sharknose, and the sharknose killed the neon, terrible to watch. Does that apply to other gobies too? I want to have some neons, and some rainfords in my tank, but that's the last thing I want.
should be fine, im actually thinking about getting 1 or 2 myself. But as for killing them, most any fish is capable of doing harm to another fish. All depends on the personality.