How much could i get for my complete nano?


New member
i'm wondering how much i could feasibly get for it. i know it's far from extravagant, but i'm trying to filter out of the hobby because i've found more useful ways to spend my money :)

aquapod 12g with 70watt sunpod halide (contents of this tank have been running since july i believe, new tank/halide is only a few months old). middle back chamber is exposed and full of chaeto for a fuge and i replaced the pump with a mj900. lots of live rubble in the back chambers

10lbs. of sand, about 30lbs of colorful live rock (had all the rock for about a year and a half-cycled my first tank with it)

yellow watchman

blue legged hermits
aiptasia eating peppermint
3/4 inch orange mantis shrimp (lives in ric rock)
two large stomatellas (i love these things)
2 pencil urchins (inverts???)

armor of god frag (4 polyps)
tubs blues frag (11 polyps)
orange organisms (5 polyps)
green and black colony (40 polyps)
eagle eyes (3 polyps)
aspen palys (3 polyps)
bubble gum pinks (40 polyps)
bubble gum pinks (20 polyps)
RPEs (5 polyps)

other corals:
ricordia rock with 10 nickel and quarter sized ricordias
a few orange rics floating around the tank
small xenia

here's an older pic- brain and cleaner shrimp were traded and i've since added the tubs and the pink colonies

would also include everything else i have (12g nanocube dx with new 24watt pc bulbs 50/50, a few pumps, chemicals, food, water changing syphon, nets, test kits, and water containers (2 5 gallon gas tanks used only for water)

so what do you guys think it's worth. i know it's all subjective, but i'm just curious to know what it would be worth as a package rather than being split in 100 different directions.

oh woops, forgot to add i have a stand that fits the tank perfectly. i got it from some furniture store and it looks really good. will take pics next time i'm home
Chances are you will end up parting out...
Livestock, and lights should go pretty easy and pretty fast.
But, as you may have seen with Gasman trying to sell his nano,
the tank and stand will most likely be the hardest things to sell.
90-95% of everyone on the FMAS forum want to go big... so a nano tank does not seem to be high on the purchasing list.
Good luck with the sale, and if you decide to part out...
remember what the corals I am interested in, I sent you a PM. :)
yea Mel's got the right idea. That's just how it's been happening around here. You really do make some if not all of your money on selling the corals first. I bet if you sold it all as a package, you wouldn't sell it for more than you would sell the corals for separately on the side. Just kinda how it goes around here.
I second the two previous posts.
However, even the larger tanks are been sold by pieces... At the end you might even get more $$$ if you seperate everything.

Good Luck!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by volunteerguy
I'd pay $150 for the whole setup...I am looking for a nano actually for my office :)
lol a week ago I had an aquapod 24 for 150 and all I got was too much lol
Anyways it went to a good home for FREE;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11671244#post11671244 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by volunteerguy
I was watching your post gasman...but I would have had to spend extra for lights, coral, etc... :)
If it had come with a top/light you would have sold it in a heartbeat.

Hmmm, my sister-in-law has been looking to start a SW tank and a nice, established nano might be perfect for her and the kids.
$150 huh?

I'll offer $160 on her behalf. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11670195#post11670195 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by volunteerguy
I'd pay $150 for the whole setup...I am looking for a nano actually for my office :)

you guys are brutal. some of the PMs containing offers have just been laughable-i won't be responding to them anymore. kind of makes me want to skip this site and rip some teenager off on craigslist
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11674600#post11674600 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by leoslizards
More pics please.

I would of thought that the mantis shrimp would of ate the peppermint shrimp and the YWG by now?

he knows if i ever catch him out of his rock, he's a goner

will try and take some pics in a few days
Hey now, my PM was asking you for a price? Not all pm's were bad ones... :)
Keep in mind used marine equipment is almost like a used car...
The minute the car goes off the lot you just lost 15-20% value.
Here the minute stuff touches water, you just lost 40-50%
value....just nature of the beast.
If you do have the time, and don't need to sell like yesterday...
I really think you should try craigs list, or even the West Palm Beach forum, give yourself more options.
maybe instead of asking what you should sell it for figure it out for yourself and set a price like the RC policy requires you to do.