How much light for ricordias?


New member
I just bought two ricordias and was wanting to know where I should place them in my tank I have a 56g (the taller looking one) my lighting is 2x65 PC where should I place them in the tank?

Thanks for any help!
I have 2x 65 PC over my 20 gallon reef with rics placed about 6-8'' from the waterline.

I would probably put yours halfway in the tank until they open up fully and acclimate to the tank and then put them as high as you can.
That last post sounds like a pretty solid idea to me. Start them low then keep moving them up. The more light they get the quicker they should grow and produce some little ric babies for yah!
Start lower and move higher. If they start looking washed out move them down some. They should do well as long as they have moderate light.
That's not a whole heck of a lot over a 55g g tall tank. Even if you could calculate lux I don't think it would be that great. My recommendation would be to start the ricordias high and then start down actually.