How much rock is too much rock???


New member
I have a 180 with 200-300 lbs of rock in it. How much rock is too much? Can you have too much? Now that it's full of sps frags and other coral it looks like room is going to be tight. Also I have an Achilles tang naso and a scop and wasn't sure if they had the right amount of swim room.

Way to much rock IMHO I like to have a bunch of swimming room for my fish. Having a wall of rocks makes things pretty tight. I simply took out some of my rock and had a lot more room to aquascape differently. Have fun with it. :fish1:
You can have as much rock as you want if it does not seriously impede flow. You have a lot of rock but it appears they are small pieces. It's better to have bigger pieces so you can have caves and such.