How much Rowaphos to use?


New member
Having a for the moment "minor" phosphate problem in my SPS reef setup, so I bought some rowaphos I plan to put in.
I have absolutely not a clue of what my PO4 levels are at, as my test kit is giving me nothing, but i'ts obvious that its there.

I have a system with 24 gallon combined capacity, tank and refugium. I don't have a reactor and intend to put a filter bag in the first chamber on my refugium, but I am unsure as how much to use to not risk killing my Acros by dropping PO4 levels too quickly.

Anyone have a thought?
Typically one gram per gallon. I have a 250g can that says treats 1000L which is about 270 gallons.

Edit - I see in Sweden you're probably working of litres anyway, so one gram per four litres :)
Are you saying that the test is reading zero? I just want to be very careful with any assumptions. If so, I'd start out with a small dose. The suggested 1 gram per 4 liters is very small, I think, but I'd just try a 15 ml or so and work from there.
Yes, the test kit reads zero, but I'm having cyano and diatoms crop up on the sandbed here and there and a bit faster than normal algal film development on the glass.
Normally I use chaeto to for nutrient export, but I seem to have developed an imbalance between the nitrate and phosphates.
Okay, GFO sometimes helps in such situations, so I agree that trying RowaPhos seems like a reasonable idea.

I have Cyano and using rowaphos but really unhappy with my mini max reactor tumble so I cut way back on amount about 2 teaspoons (36 gallon tank) and just plan to change it weekly. Hoping that works.