How much

Lifes A Beach

Premium Member
Got my Interceptor today. Need to know how much to use when I'm dipping corals. Also, in the future if I wanted to treat my tank (75 gal.), how much do I use? I have the 23.0 mg tablets (for large dogs).

Everyone has a different answer, but here is what I do/did.

Whole tank treatment, 120g+15g or so in sump. 1 tablet of Interceptor for 12 hours, then ran carbon and did a 20g water change. I did that 3 times, each a week apart.

As for dips, I do 1/2 a fluke tab pill (for AEFW) and 1/2 or 1/4 of an interceptor tablet. I mix the two up in powder forms in a small plastic ziplock bag, add some water, shake it up really well so the powders dissolve, and add it to the 2.5g temporary quarantine tank. I try to leave the coral(s) in there for 6-12 hours with a small powerhead and heater on it.

When I treated my whole tank using one pill for 140 or so gallons, it killed a LOT of pods, my cleaner shrimp :( and the only hermit I had in the tank. I pulled out half of my snails and my big conch because I didn't know if they would be effected or not. After the first treatment, I left them in for the other treatments, and they were fine.

The point is, is that some people think it's good when their inverts survive the treatment (crabs, shrimp, etc), but I figure that if they're still there, then you've definitely got some RB left, and you only need two to spawn (in theory) to re-create a whole new large population of pests, so I'd rather napalm the tank than miss a few RBs and have the problem arise again.

I also wish that people would just QT and/or dip their corals before introducing them into their tank. It's expensive and inconvenient, but what isn't in this hobby... :p
i want to buy some but which one do i buy i saw that there is differnt sized tablets or i guess for differnt pound dogs. which one to buy????
Everything I say with them is about Large Dog tablets, as I have not bothered with the small dog pills. The small ones are good I guess for QT in smaller quantities of water, but for a full tank, I would rather just use one large dog tablet.