How often should i feed my SPS corals?


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How often do you guys target feed your sps corals? and when?.. i assume at night but i want to know from you guys...

There will be many say not to feed anything but fish poop, good water quality and strong lighting. I myself did this for six months and my color was not there. I started feeding a mixture of oyster eggs, rotifers, blended shrimp and clam four times a week. Color has never been better and the fish are happy too. I feed during the day with all the lights on using my wave box to circulate the food.

thank you i feed the same thing but at night.... i am only doing this 2-3 times a week.. maybe i should feed more often? opinions!
I dont have a lot of sps

I dont have a lot of sps

most polciporas, millis and montis, a birds nest too, I fed rotifers weekly, the colors are great millis is lime green, montis are orange/red/ blue n deep green. birds nest is pink, polic are redish.

good luck
Bug_Power - SPS don't really eat phyto. They prefer the more meaty foods such as rotifers, cyclopeeze, oyster eggs...
SPS corals like larger food than most other corals like LPS. I feed them a mix of cyclops-eze, ocean fresh, coral frenzy, and phyto for the LPS in the tank. The food had larger types of food like copepods.
i don't believe lps eat phyto, and in my experience they prefer larger food than sps, some eat whole mysis and big chunks of fish. i haven't fed phyto for years with no ill effects.