How Quiet is the Profilux Breeze Fans


Premium Member
My wife has given me an ultimatum. Silence the aquarium or it will disappear while I am away sometime before the holidays. My biggest source of noise is my fans. I want the most silent fans available regardless of cost. I have never seen the Profilux Breeze in person and I wanted the opinion of current owners. How quiet are they? I have a 220 gallon tank and they will be enclosed in a canopy at one end blowing towards the air exchanger intake I have at the other end of the canopy. I am currently getting a 4 degree F. spike in temperature per day. If I buy the Breeze with the controller and power supply I suspect they will be running full out during the entire viewing cycle.

Please Help.
Which one would you recommend for me. I am getting a 4 degree F. spike per day and have 3 x 400 watt MH on top of a 220 gallon that has a 72"x24". Sorry I can't do metric.
dont worry im from the UK I grew up doing both metric and imperial ;)

You need the 5 fan for sure

Make sure you set it to blow across the tank and not directly at the water either.

If this is found not to be enough you may require one either end, but only if this is your only source for heat removal. These are very powerful fans.
Can you PM me with who has stock in Ontario or east of Ontario. If you have it in stock I can get my local guy to order it. I am in a bit of a hurry......angry wife.
ottawa inverts! Fastest until we get our new guy out east stocked up!

Oi can collect from me tomorrow if they have sold out and get to you by Friday I am sure
Well I got it two days after I ordered it. Pretty quick in my opinion. I have it set up with the fan controller. I had to wait an hour or so after my metal halides came on for the water temp to increase. The fans have started fairly slow and are can not be heard in the room. In another hour or so they should ramp up, so, I will report back once they are really spinning.
Well they are going full out. I still got the same temperature increase of 4 degrees Fahrenheit, but they are no where near as loud as the previous fans. You can actually sit in the room now. I will see if my wife notices the difference tonight. She doesn't know I switched the fans.

Does anyone think 4 degrees Fahrenheit is too much of an increase?
Direct the fans to blow up towards the lamp slightly so the heat does not get a chance to reach the water surface.

Back in the UK on the same size tank as yours we had a breeze 5 either end one sucking and one blowing, no chiller was required.