How to clean a HOB filter


In a previous thread, I mentioned I got ich from the LFS that doesnt quite know how to take care of their fishes.

I am getting that tank to sit for the 8 weeks to get rid of the ich that still is in there, however, I want to get my 50 gallon up and running and i'd like to use the HOB marine filter i was using for the other ich tank.

How do you think I should clean this filter ( its literally brand new and been used for a week or less. )

I just washed it out with tap water really well and now its sitting to dry. Do you think they will be enough to kill everything? :deadhorse:

I would soak it in vinegar for a few hours just to be safe, but you should be fine either way. Its not a bad idea to do this from time to time anyway.
A thorough air drying for 24 hours will do the trick. Got be sure every little nook and crevice is dry. Alternatively, rinse it with a bleach solution.
Yeah its been sitting on a old towel drying for I think 3 days ? Wont need it for probably 3-4 more days which gives it significantly more time to dry. I just wasn't 100% sure that these little pain in my asses will lay dormit or something silly.
You also need to treat the fish you took out of the system.

And if you truly want to do what you can to avoid this same issue. You need to QT your fish prior to putting into your display.