how to clean marinepure blocks


New member
So here is a question that I have been looking up on the net with no luck. I know how to clean the blocks when they are in normal use. Just put them in some old tank water and shake or somehow make the water flow through it by rushing the block up and down in a bucket of old tank water.
My question is a bit different. I have 2 of them that were in my octopus tank when she passed and was dead for at least 12 hours which made a very big mess. I removed her and did a water change but left the tank running. My numbers were N03 60 and P04 1.00 when I removed the blocks and let them dry. I am afraid to just put them in another system with out cleaning them some way. I know I cant use acid on them as they would fall apart. I was thinking of vinegar or should I just toss them and buy new. I hate to drop another 100$+ to get new ones but I am not sure what to do. Maybe a vinegar bath for 24 hours then into some old tank water with a flow pump and check my numbers in a few days. Anyway just looking for opinions. Thanks
So here is a question that I have been looking up on the net with no luck. I know how to clean the blocks when they are in normal use. Just put them in some old tank water and shake or somehow make the water flow through it by rushing the block up and down in a bucket of old tank water.
My question is a bit different. I have 2 of them that were in my octopus tank when she passed and was dead for at least 12 hours which made a very big mess. I removed her and did a water change but left the tank running. My numbers were N03 60 and P04 1.00 when I removed the blocks and let them dry. I am afraid to just put them in another system with out cleaning them some way. I know I cant use acid on them as they would fall apart. I was thinking of vinegar or should I just toss them and buy new. I hate to drop another 100$+ to get new ones but I am not sure what to do. Maybe a vinegar bath for 24 hours then into some old tank water with a flow pump and check my numbers in a few days. Anyway just looking for opinions. Thanks

I think the best bet is to soak in RODI with vinegar for 24 hours, shake several times to remove any laden buildup or waste off the blocks. I would then soak in RODI for 24 hours as well, then into the tank they go. Optionally, and what I would do, is to make new saltwater, place a powerhead or pump in the tub, then add nitrifying bacteria to the tub as well, you could use Brightwell Micro-Bacter, Zeovit, AF Bio S, or the like, really any should work, Dr. G's also makes a good blend. I would do more than recommended on this dose, as only the blocks would then go into the tank. This will help to seed the blocks, a kick start if you will. I would also begin supplementation to the tank with bacteria dosing and carbon source dosing until parameters meet your desire. At this point, occasional additions of bacteria and carbon source will maintain the bacteria population, carbon source feeding the bacteria, of course depending on bio-load and skimming or export of nutrients. Traces of vinegar will not hurt, if at all, it will serve too as a carbon source. I see no harm in regenerating the media blocks, and honestly, these companies only say to replace so sales don't drop. The media in essence will not degrade. Although, I have seen Brightwells media brick melt, as a fyi. I still believe pumice and siporax to be the most efficient medias, but have heard good things about marine pure media blocks as well, made from ceramic, only negative reporting is that they can leach aluminum, plenty of write-ups out there :) Here is a link if you want to check out :)
Windlasher. I had seen that vid. But I felt I was in a different situation. Thanks

Plye02. I have read about the leaching of aluminum and several years ago I removed them for this reason, Yet I know many who have kept these blocks running for many years without issue. I kind of think this was over blown. No one was ever able to prove the aluminum came from the blocks but I also understand no one could find where else it could have come from. I have read the link you posted several years ago. I do wonder if maybe there was a bad batch of blocks causing this? Some of the most spectacular tanks I have seen run these blocks. I like the idea of having more surface for bacteria and less rock in my tank.
Windlasher. I had seen that vid. But I felt I was in a different situation. Thanks

Plye02. I have read about the leaching of aluminum and several years ago I removed them for this reason, Yet I know many who have kept these blocks running for many years without issue. I kind of think this was over blown. No one was ever able to prove the aluminum came from the blocks but I also understand no one could find where else it could have come from. I have read the link you posted several years ago. I do wonder if maybe there was a bad batch of blocks causing this? Some of the most spectacular tanks I have seen run these blocks. I like the idea of having more surface for bacteria and less rock in my tank.

I use AF Life Bio Fil in a reactor, it is pumice material, it is too effective, I cannot get a reaction on nitrate or phosphate test kits, using salifert and Hanna. I agree, more swimming space, less rock, I too prefer less than more :) I also agree that likely they do not leach aluminum as some reported, I think they will work just fine. Best of luck.
I use AF Life Bio Fil in a reactor, it is pumice material, it is too effective, I cannot get a reaction on nitrate or phosphate test kits, using salifert and Hanna. I agree, more swimming space, less rock, I too prefer less than more :) I also agree that likely they do not leach aluminum as some reported, I think they will work just fine. Best of luck.

Thanks. I will also look into AF life Bio. I have been sitting on 4 new MR2 reactors for about 5 years "Hello my name is Brant and I am a Hoarder of aquarium equipment" Knowing one day I would have a good use for them. I like aquaforest products so I will give them a try.

I am a little ****ed as I just changed my RO filters and did not read that I need to flush them. 90G of RODI water dumped into my back yard. What a waist.