How to clean textured overflow boxes?


New member
I have two corner overflows that are wrapped in a black TEXTURED acrylic. How do you go about cleaning that? Regular scraper obviously won't work. I'm at the point to where I'm tempted to make black non textured acrylic panels just to cover that nonsense and just remove them every couple weeks or months when they need to be cleaned.

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Cleaning to remove coralline algae?
Cleaning to remove regular algae?
A stiff nylon brush?
Just leave it?
Coraline algae. Not I don't want to just leave it, hence the reason for asking what's the best way to clean it. I don't like the look of dirty back glass.

The middle 2/3 of the back is regular glass, my scraper works fine on that. It's only the 2 corners that have the textured acrylic.

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Get a few urchins?
Thats what I do to help keep coralline at bay..

But yes.. textured plastic cannot be cleaned with a scraper.. Coralline NEEDS a scraper..

A "cosmetic" periodically replaceable cover sounds like a totally valid solution for your needs/issues..

If one absolutely cannot stand coralline then the cost/time of such a coverup is justifiable..