How to connect battery backup to battery


New member
I'm trying to get my battery backup setup (finally) and I have a question about connecting the Tunze safety connector to the 12v battery. I know nothing about electricity (had a friend wire my MH ballast), so I was wondering if there was a specific cable I could buy to connect the safety connector to the battery. It seems like I would want a clamp on one end (to clip onto the battery) and bare wire on the other end (to screw into the safety connector). Anyone know where I can find such a beast online or at a local Batteries Plus?
This will largely depend on the type of terminals the battery has, I don't know of any such connector for a slide terminal battery, but for a post terminal battery you can likely find such cables at Autozone, there are some with smaller gauge wires for car audio and accessories. For slide terminals you would typically just buy some wire and the crimp on terminals that are required, they could probably make something up for you at Batteries plus. Keep in mind you will also need some sort of charger for the battery.