How to control a 120 V ventilation fan with Profilux


New member
As the title suggests, I'm looking for the best (easiest) way to control an in-line ventilation fan with my new Profilux. Presently, the fan is controlled by a wall switch jsut like the ventilation fans in my bathrooms. I would like to be able to have my P2 (soon to be P3) turn the fan on when my lights are on or when the tank exceeds 79 degrees. Any and all ideas are apreciated.
Need Help with Electrical DIY


I would appreicate suggestions on how to tackle a problem I face.

I have a Panasonic in-line ventilation fan that draws air from over my tank. As you can see, it draws 0.31 Amps and 36 Watts.
Currently it is wired into a standard switched circuit with a wall switch (just like you would do with a bathroom fan). I would like to be able to control this fan with my new Profilux controller.

Please help with suggestions as to the best way to approach this challenge.

This is quite straight forward, set a power bar plug socket to temp 1 and then plug the fan into this, and set your switching values under the temperaure menu.

This is quite straight forward, set a power bar plug socket to temp 1 and then plug the fan into this, and set your switching values under the temperaure menu.

It is straight forward for a fan with a 120V AC plug but my fan is a ventilation fan like a bathroom exhaust fan. It is wired into the household wiring with a wall switch.
In this case you would have to be disconnected from the household wiring and re wired so it can be switched by the Power bar, that is the only way.
Not exactly code probably, but you can take the wall switch out, find the wire that goes to the fan, splice a cable with a plug end to it and cap the wall switch so that the wire is coming out of the plate with the plug end. Then plug that end into the Profilux or whatever controller you've got. Make sure you cap the live feed wire ends in the switch box in the wall. I think it needs to go without saying that you need to turn the power off to the switch before messing with anything otherwise you could get a shock, literally ...
You could purchase a 120V relay and use it to replace the wall switch. Wire the relay activation power to the power bar and the rest is self explanatory and if it's not probably best to have someone else do it ;)

You could also leave the wall switch in place and have the relay wired in parallel with it which will will allow for manual on. Wall switch off = auto (profilux controlled), wall switch on = fan always on.
You could purchase a 120V relay and use it to replace the wall switch. Wire the relay activation power to the power bar and the rest is self explanatory and if it's not probably best to have someone else do it ;)

You could also leave the wall switch in place and have the relay wired in parallel with it which will will allow for manual on. Wall switch off = auto (profilux controlled), wall switch on = fan always on.

Thanks sphelps. I think this sounds like my best prospect so far. I really apreciate the idea.