How to fix a Yuma on a stone?


New member
I bought a Yuma the last Friday and took it off from the basic stone which too big, and put it together with a smaller stone and cover them with a piece of plastic net. but bow, the 4th day, it havn't fixed on the stone yet. so is it correct what i did? and how long will the yuma take to fix on the stone?
forget the plastic net method. Im not saying it wont work, but there is a much better way

get a small tupperware container and riddle it with large holes or cut wide slits all over in it sides and top. Holes as big as you can get without it escaping and preferrably a clear top.

Put a bunch of similar stones/rubble that any of will work for you in the bottom of it and put the yuma inside. It will attach to one of them in 3 days to a month depending on many variables. You need to make sure you are getting some flow and light to it so it is happy or it might not ever attach, hence lots of holes for flow and a clear lid

make sure you use enough rubble/stones to completely cover the bottom or it might attach to the floor
The freshwater breeder containers at LFS work well and some float so u dont have to worry abt a lid and they are pre cut for flow. i clamp mine to the side of the tank works well! rubble covering the bottom

i put on frag plus by either of the above mentioned methods or put in a cup and use fishing line to tie it down, nce attached cut the line, dont tie to tight or will damage the ric. this way u can get one ric per plug/stone and not gamble where it rests.
oh yeah....that container will do a great job for you...nice! Out of curiousity...what kind of thread do you use, RealReef7? Any kind of sewing thread? I have a St. Thomas mushroom that I may need to do that with. I have no room for a container in my tank to wait for it to settle down in.

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