how to fix photos


New member
So I rented a 10mp underwater camera while I was snorkeling in HI. I got a bunch of great photos, but of course the color is all off.

I tried to follow the directions online to clean them up, but I have little to no skills with photoshop. I downloaded photoshop cs2 ver 9 under a 30 day trial. So hopefully that will help
get Adobe Photoshop software for camera shots, hands down. PS will help, but it's not designed for a photographer. If you cant find a tool in LR, PS will prolly have it so keep it around as well.
I don't have lightroom, and not really willing to pay for it. I only have CS2. So if you know any tricks please clue me in.

I found one online about using layers, but it doesn't really seem to work
if all you've got is CS...then just add a bit more red (via the colour/hue panel) and maybe sharpen a tad. You have a bit more control if you shot in RAW though

save up for Lightroom......waaaaaaay better at fixing/working with photos than CS.