How to get better color from my ric. PIC inside


New member

Does it look like its got to much light? Or need more feeding?

Lights are on for 9 hours a day now.

Thanks for looking :):bounce1:
I haven't seen a lot of change in color in my Florida Ric... Feeding the coral usually doesn't change the color much. I think your Ric pretty good. What did you want out of it?
Shift too heavy actinic lighting and you'll see better colors.

The coral itself won't change colors. But they are one of those corals that sort of glows under actinic lighting. This is often why they look so much brighter in sales pics or at the store. They are using heavy blue lighting to make everything look like it'd glow in the dark. Blue LEDs may also work, depending on the type.

The colors on the coral look good though. That is how they are supposed to look.
While many do not feed their rics, many do. In my opinion they are happier and grow faster when you feed them. Do you feed them?
I think feeding depends on setup really.

Personally, when I had them in a 120 setup they seemed to like to get fed and grew faster when fed. Now that I have them in a 40B they ignore food, but still grow at the same rate. It all depends how well they can get food on their own. In the 120 there were fish that'd literally rip half eaten food out of their mouths so they didn't have nearly as many chances to catch what the fish were eating.
Yours looks good to me. I have about 14 sorta grouped together under a Radion/T5 and high flow, they look great and have grown about 50% in just a few months.