How to get calupera to grow?


New member
Since adding a refugium to my tank about a year ago, I also added calupera (sp?) at the same time. The refugium idea has worked out great for me but I can't seem to get the calupera to grow? Is there some additive I need to add to make it grow? The calupera is thinning down to nothing again really quick. I haven't had to trim the calupera ever. I'm dosing CA/ALK, Stronium, Mag (just started a week ago), and Iodine. Any ideas???
The refugium portion of the sump is about 13g or so. The overall combined gallons of the sump/refugium is 29g The LOA is 60watts and is the kind that you would mount to under cabinet kitchens.
Try adding an iron supplement. Also check your nitrates, if unmeasurable...feed your critters more to boost the nutrient levels ;)
I did dose Iron previously and saw no growth at all if I remember correctly. Maybe they're something about my water? So I stopped using it. I do have 0 nitrates though. Any other ideas??? :)
Stupid question...You say you're dosing Kalk...are you testing the water to make sure you're dosing enough?
I meant to say I am adding calcium (CA) and alkalinity (ALK) additives on a daily basis. I do tests for both (CA 400ppm and ALK ~8.2dKH) and they're sufficient. I also drip kalk occassionally to keep the levels up. Hope this cleared up some confusion.
Good luck with this one . I am also one who seems to never be able to grow the Caluerpa. I even get jealous when i see others having GREAT success with it but I am determined, and will not take this NO GROW,Milky,stringy plant DIYING, for an excuse!
I have a 10g tank that I use to grow Caluerpa and i keep the nitrates in it high.
It is the only one of my tanks that will grow Caluerpa.
It grows like a weed....

Hope that helps
Yeah my nitrates are always above 0 but less than 10 mg/l, and my calurpa has to be constantly pruned. I guess that's what you all get for your super perfect water. ;)
Do you have a skimmer on your aquarium? I have had the experience of killing a refugium packed with caluerpa & an algae scrubber packed with algae (grown from another tank) when I hooked up a decent skimmer and had a low bio-load on the aquarium.
I do have a pretty efficient skimmer actually; a Euroreef. Oh well, just as long as I have 0 nitrates, that's all that matters. I'll try again sometime with the caluerpa or maybe consider using Iron again to see if things change. Thanks for the help guys. :thumbsup:

Bayliner - What exactly do you have in the 10g tank? I may just set up one of those if things don't get too fancy.
I have a few small frags in it that I am experimenting with.
I am comparing their growth pattern in a tank with elevated nitrates and phosphates.
So far everything in the tank is growing like crazy and has excellent color.
I don't have any fish in the tank. I just use water from my other tanks when I am doing a water change. I also use a filter with a sponge in it to hold some of the nitrates.

Hope that helps

Your Caulerpa has reached equilibrium with your ecosystem. That's not so bad. It shows stability. You could prune it down to something small and it would regrow and be healthier and thicker again.
You might wanna try a 24hr lighting period over your fuge. This prevents the Caulerpa from going to sexual reproduction which normally makes it die.
Good Luck
PerfectRapture04 said:
You might wanna try a 24hr lighting period over your fuge. This prevents the Caulerpa from going to sexual reproduction which normally makes it die.
Good Luck
I have been for the last year. Guess my tank is not a calupera growing zone.
i think that euroreef skimmer combined with your low bioload is the reason for your lack of calerpa. these skimmers are awesome.

las said:
i think that euroreef skimmer combined with your low bioload is the reason for your lack of calerpa. these skimmers are awesome.

Could that really be it? I mean I do have 2 tangs (each around 3-4") and 5-6 other smaller fish.