How to get rid of black sponge


New member
I just noticed I have some black sponge growing over a piece of rock with GSP on it and is killing it. Does anyone know how to get rid of this or has anyone had black sponge in their tank? The only thing that has changed in my tank is that my wrasse are my two cleaner shrimp and my peppermint shrimp. I don't know where it came from since I haven't added anything in my tank since the wrasse which was a while ago.
I just noticed I have some black sponge growing over a piece of rock with GSP on it and is killing it. Does anyone know how to get rid of this or has anyone had black sponge in their tank? The only thing that has changed in my tank is that my wrasse are my two cleaner shrimp and my peppermint shrimp. I don't know where it came from since I haven't added anything in my tank since the wrasse which was a while ago.

I've got some too, following
I ended up taking the piece of rock out and sacrificed the GSP. I scrubbed the little bit that was on the rock under it with a toothbrush. Hopefully that will solve the problem.
I think it's likely that Chemi Clean will kill it. We found that it kills off our blue photosynthetic sponge. Not sure if it is from the chemical or microbubbles that tend to come with its use. That said, introducing microbubbles might do the trick without drugs. Just place an airstone in front of your return pump's intake.