I figurd out that my tank has too much CO2 in it. And it's likely not coming from the ambient air. I am currently aerating a 8 oz sample of tank water on my patio. in the last 30 mins it went from 7.7 to 7.93. I was hoping to hit 8.1++ . Maybe it will. My alk right now is about 8.5, after raising it with buffer. My Mg is 'too high', though at 1430 ppm. I have my protein skimmer sucking in air also from outside, as I have airline tubes going from outside to the silencer << no need for a CO2 scrubber, since it's fresh air. Unless I need bring the ambient air from natural levels to 0 (hmmm).
So I'm kinda not sure what to do here. If I get rid of the CO2 in my tank Im' hitting still only 7.95 according to my test, which is better than my peak of 7.83 or so I had before. If it's not too much CO2 and not lack of alk, then I dont know what it is, but getting rid of the CO2 might be one part of it, and I'm sure it's coming from the CA reactor << how can I position the efluent to vent off co2?
I figurd out that my tank has too much CO2 in it. And it's likely not coming from the ambient air. I am currently aerating a 8 oz sample of tank water on my patio. in the last 30 mins it went from 7.7 to 7.93. I was hoping to hit 8.1++ . Maybe it will. My alk right now is about 8.5, after raising it with buffer. My Mg is 'too high', though at 1430 ppm. I have my protein skimmer sucking in air also from outside, as I have airline tubes going from outside to the silencer << no need for a CO2 scrubber, since it's fresh air. Unless I need bring the ambient air from natural levels to 0 (hmmm).
So I'm kinda not sure what to do here. If I get rid of the CO2 in my tank Im' hitting still only 7.95 according to my test, which is better than my peak of 7.83 or so I had before. If it's not too much CO2 and not lack of alk, then I dont know what it is, but getting rid of the CO2 might be one part of it, and I'm sure it's coming from the CA reactor << how can I position the efluent to vent off co2?