How to get rid of mushrooms?


New member
Anyone know how to get rid of mushrooms? I've tried kalkwasser, syphon, ricordia... I have an SPS dominated tank and a few hitch hikers are trying to now take over!!!
blast em with high light. they def dont like high light.

other than that... they are invincible always coming back.

Perhaps a torch coral could totally sting em out?

on a more serious note, you could chisel em off the rock they are on... and do whatever with them after. you would need to make sure you get the whole mushroom and its base so it wont grow back.
what i did was put them under constant high water flow and when they started to pop of rock . I pulled them of .This does not always work .
I am in the process of trying boiling Vinegar. I went to my local pharmacy and purchased some syringes. I chose the Vinegar patch over injecting them with Kalk wasser because I was concerned about the Kalk clogging the syringe.

So far, second night, I have had mixed results. After injecting 3, two fell off the rock by the next day and one is shriveled up. I injected that third one again tonight as well as two others. I have quite a few so I guess I will just have to be patient.

I originally got rid of most of them by trading my live rock at a local fish/reef store.
I've used kalk paste in the past and it works wonders. Just be careful with about your pH rising to quickly.

Another way would be to just cut a small piece of rock the mushroom is attached to. Make sure it's all off, otherwise it will just grow back.

Get a piece of Hydrophora and rub it all over them. It has killed a few fuzzy purple shrooms for me...

Wouldn't you need to run carbon if you tried this method because of chemical warfare? Sounds pretty interesting though. I should try this next time.
Eric, I have have really good luck with the boiling vinegar aproach.

Get a syrange with a needle on it and inject them with the boiling vinegar. Some died right away, some needed a second and some even a third zapping, but eventually I was able to iradicate them all.
how much kalk is too much? I have a nano tank and im concerned about mixing a paste. The directions say to mix in gallons of water. We are injecting a concentrate...right?
What kind of syringes do you use. I'm going to trade in the large rocks with the high quantities, but I want to get rid of the few straglers.
this has to be a first

this has to be a first

never heard of someone trying to get rid of mushrooms xenia maybe. Id say just mess with them and they will eventually stress out and die.