
I have two mandarins and a six line wrasse all of which eat pods. I am putting out no less than $15.00 per month to keep them all happy. How can I start to propigate my own pods? Bubba
I just bought a clump of cheato and placed in my sump.. 6mos later pods everywhere! I also fed tank dts phytoplankton.. Harvesting them is another question. I would try and train your mandarins to eat frozen.
While I have plenty of pods in my tank I built this baby brine shrimp feeder that feeds baby brine to my two mandarins, scooter blaaeie and pipefish.
I spend about $15.00 a year on brine shrimp eggs and hatch them in a DIY hatchery.
Here is a video of them eating.
Typically you should have a population established before getting a mandarin. But best bet is get cheato in the sump and continue to dose pods into the sump and not the DT.
I really don't know, I just cut up an old net.

Another video

Thanks, I'll do some experimentin'. I've kept a mandarin in my 75 for a couple years in the past, which I guess is considered pretty good. I had pods everywhere but one day she just seemed to stop eating. I don't know if something like this would have helped but seems like a good back up if I ever get another.