How to join the Boston Reefers


Premium Member
I've been hit with questions on how to join the BRS repeatedly. Figured I'd repost the FAQ that our Treasurer, Jim Nguyen, started.

Please do not post questions or replies here, as we want this FAQ to remain pristine. Once it goes longer than a few posts people can't seem to tell the important material from the noise.

Send questions to my email: moeDOTkirby@verizonDOTnet
(I've used DOT insted of the regular periods in the email address. You'll have to change that if you want to email me. That's to protect against unwanted junk email. Thanks)
Or just start a new thread with your question here in Reef Central. We'll see it soon enough and get you some answers.

Here's Jim's FAQ:
Welcome! Those are great questions. One of these days, we'll create a new member page to answer all of the FAQ's.

1) About BRS: The BRS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to promoting interest in and enjoyment of all aspects of the marine aquarium hobby through the sponsorship of meetings, lectures, publications, websites, competitions, exhibits and other means. Most importantly, we are here to foster camaraderie, friendship, and appreciation of aquatic life. The Society is run by the officers (President, Vice President, Vice President of Public Affairs, Secretary and Treasurer). The Board of Directors is comprised of four at-large directors and they oversee the activities of the officers with an iron fist! We also have committees (MACNA and Membership).
2) What are your activities: Our activities in the past have covered ... lectures from well-known speakers, frag swaps, an outing to the NEAQ, auctions, raffles, social gatherings (BBQ), meetings at local fish stores, presentations by manufacturers, slide show, DIY exhibits, tank tours, etc.
3) Is this the main forum for BRS or there is another: Yes, this is our main discussion forum.
4) Do you have a schedule for future meetings: Our regular monthly meetings are held on the last Saturday of each month at the Beebe library in Wakefield from 10 am to 2 pm. If there is a special event for that month, our regular meetings are sometimes cancelled.
5) Do you meet regularly or not that often in summer: Due to our fanatical members, we maintained a regular meeting schedule this summer. In fact, we just had a blockbuster event in Nashua NH with two lighting experts sponsored by Inland Reef.
6) Where can I get the schedule for meetings: The officers are over worked. We generally scramble and put together meetings one or two months before. The best way to stay informed on future meetings is to visit this forum and to register as a friend of the BRS here . It is absolutely free and it will get you on our mailing list for announcements. It will also allow you to RSVP on-line for our meetings (RSVPing on-line is mandatory to help us plan for the logistics of the meetings). You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings and there is no pressure to become a member. We welcome everyone.
7) How many active members are in BRS: We have over 200 members and an additional 170 friends on our mailing list.
8) What are the advantages for membership: See . You also receive reduced admission prices for special events. Plus, you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you are supporting one of the best, if not the best, reef societies in the country.
9) How do I pay for membership: The best way to pay is to attend a meeting so that you can receive your membership card at the same time. If you can't attend a meeting, you can send a check payable to the Boston Reefers Society for $15/individual or $20/family to Jim Nguyen, 183 Arthur Street, Framingham, MA 01702. You can also send paypal of $15.76/individual or $20.91/family to

Pres BRS
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Hi Moe,
I have been trying to contact Jim through the email provided above and i have not get any reply from him or from any club officials. I understand that he has just recently has a new baby son so he must be very busy. But if you talk to him sometime, please let him know that i am still waiting for my membership card in the mail as i will not be able to attend the meeting. I have paid through Paypal almost 2 weeks now.

Please email me with these types of issues. Use the "mail" button right here in RC.
There isn't much I can do about membership cards being mailed until after the meeting on 25Oct2003.

Please don't post anything to this thread, as indicated above. We're trying to keep it uncluttered so people can just see the "How to join" info and don't get bogged down by further posts. That's what went wrong with the last "How to join" thread.
My home email is now moe.kirby[at] (change the "[at]" to "@" to get the email address to work).
FYI, I process new memberships once a month. Please be patient. If you need your membership card ASAP, please let me know that and I will do my best to get it to you with 24 hours. The first person who complains will be put to work on the membership committee and responsible for signing up new members ;) .

Mocha? As in coffee?
Usually the coffee we have is no frills. I see somebody making a run out to get fancy coffee at just about every meeting, though.
Some folks meet for a good breakfast before the meetings.
All one need do is make a suggestion.
If you want to join by mail you can sned the check for $15 or $20 (individual membership vs. family membership) to me, and I'll send you the membership card. Jim has moved to Japan.

The address:
Boston Reefers Society
11 Water St.
Hudson, MA 01749
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6980906#post6980906 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Scuba_Dave
We are going to have to train you all over again on how to join the club

I passed my training and i got a membership card!!!!

I am a bonafide card carrying member now! Huya!